About Us
Feed Boutique was founded in 2020 by a highly regarded animal nutritionist with many years of experience in the industry, wanting to offer customers and animal owners a more tailored, personalized solution to their animal nutrition needs.
Feed Boutique provides independent, unbiased, professional technical consultation and support services to the animal nutrition sectors, with special focus on companion animal nutrition. We offer solutions and support to healthy animals, as well as pets with clinical conditions, and we collaborate closely with veterinarians to provide the most optimal solutions for your animal.
Our services are based on integrity, sound and thorough research, science, and knowledge. We support pets, pet owners, veterinarians, as well as small to medium sized enterprises, large scale agri-businesses, animal feed manufacturers, pre-mixing operations, farmers, and on-farm feed manufacturers.
We firmly operate on the grounds that the recommendation of any diet and dietary supplement is regarded as a therapeutic intervention.
Our operation is guided on the principal that the goal of any therapeutic intervention (recommendation of a specific diet and/ or supplement) is to first “do no harm.” In addition, the goal is to help the patient live a longer, better life, and ideally, a therapy should be selected based on sound clinical reasoning, scientific evidence, and an understanding of risk management for the patient.
We strive to support pet owners, providing unbiased true, researched and proven information through to pet owners, so that decision making about your pet's nutrition is easier.
We also endeavor to work in collaboration with veterinarians, cultivating a close, well-working, mutually respectful relationship with vets, to improve the health and longevity of pets.
Our products and services are available through our online platform, and we also offer in-person consultations.
For more information, feel free to contact us!